Thursday, March 5, 2020

Developing a Customized Study Plan

Developing a Customized Study Plan Academic Performance Explained Podcast In the fourth episode of our podcast, MyGuru founderMarkSkoskiewicz interviews Mike Zilis, a political science professor at DePaul University. In this podcast episode, Zilis discusses the importance of creating a customized study planto improve academic performance. Key Insight from Podcast #4 Every customized study plan should include three components: concepts, mindset, andexplicitpreparation for test day. When most people study for a test, they simply focus on learning the concepts that are likely to be tested. However, people often forget that theirgeneralmindsetand confidence level and ability to execute to the best of their ability under pressurecan be just as important in determining their test scores. Successful students tend to berealistic optimists. They recognize their weaknesses, but they are still confident that they can improve their scores as long as they put in the work. It is also important to prepare for test day itself. Taking a standardized test can be a high-pressure situation, and everyone handles this pressure differently.With practice, you become more comfortable performing under pressure. So,it is important to take timed practice tests before test day.This type of practice will help you build confidence. In addition, it will actually make you better atactuallytaking the test, as opposed to just doing individual problems.

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