Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Better Tomorrow Is Possible With Tutoring Pay

A Better Tomorrow Is Possible With Tutoring PayTutoring pay should be paid by any student who wants to learn a lot and get a better tomorrow. It is possible for students who are dedicated to getting a better tomorrow.The difference between paying tuition fees and paying tutoring pay is that tuition fees can be paid only once and after that, the student will have to pay tuition fees again in case he wants to learn more. When tuition fees are paid a lot, students find it easier to maintain their financial status.As it is a recurring payment, students are now using it as an extra cash that can be used to improve their skills in the areas of their interest. It gives students the confidence that they can manage themselves and thus, they can improve their skill with additional money. When they find their self-confidence has increased, students find it easy to pursue their desired careers and become successful.Students are confident when they have enough money to pay for their own tutoring. As they continue their studies and further their learning abilities, they realize that they need to have a better education. A better education is how students get out of their stressful life.Tutoring pay is the extra cash that students need because the number of tutors in schools is now decreasing as parents tend to send their children to private institutions or schools where tuition fee charges are charged for a longer duration. Private institutions charge fees for students who want to specialize in a particular area. Private institutions usually don't have a fixed time period for making payment to the tutor, because parents pay for tutoring a lot.The fees of teaching pay increase in a steady cycle, which is based on the severity of the student's learning needs and the need of the students in the schools. As tuition fees get lower, the teaching pay gets higher, which means the students get a better education that will empower them to handle their future challenges with the best t eachers.Teachers find that they are able to improve their job skills as they see their students improve in their learning process. It is therefore necessary for students to get a better education than tuition fees.

Friday, March 6, 2020

3 Reasons to Incorporate Technology Into Your STEM Studies

3 Reasons to Incorporate Technology Into Your STEM Studies If you take a moment to look around, you may soon realize that technology is at your fingertips nearly every minute of every day. As a result, there are many ways in which you can use it for more than social purposes, including incorporating it into your learning time. In the STEM realm, technology can improve how concepts and skills are absorbed, from elementary and middle school lessons, to high school, college, and graduate courses. Incorporating technology into your STEM studies can elevate your personalized experience with learning, connect you with others in the STEM field, and introduce you to unique tools. Here is how you can utilize technology to further your STEM studies: 1. Incorporating technology into your STEM studies enhances the personalized education experience One advantage of educational technology is its ability to enable students to learn in a manner that best suits them. Students can explore new concepts at their own pace, often from a desktop computer or a mobile device like a smartphone. They can also refine existing STEM skills. Instant Tutoring, for instance, allows students to connect with a knowledgeable tutor in as little as 15 seconds. It is also available in all middle and high school STEM subjects. With technology like Instant Tutoring, students can learn STEM concepts in a way that matches their particular learning style. If, for example, you prefer to visually absorb information, Instant Tutorings interactive whiteboard could assist you in gaining a better grasp of the material. If you fall into more than one of these learning styles, technology allows you to easily incorporate multiple techniques. 2. Incorporating technology into your STEM studies connects you with your peers and teachers Certain tools, including some apps and websites, connect you with like-minded students and educators. For instance, perhaps your biology professor creates an online group so you can collaborate with other STEM students at your university. This can provide you with the opportunity to learn what areas of STEM other students are interested in, and that may broaden your outlook on the related topics. It can also provide you with a great place to ask questions or to offer guidance. [RELATED: 4 Benefits of STEM Studies] 3. Incorporating technology into your STEM studies provides unique learning experiences The STEM field has a plethora of resources that can enhance a students experience with the concepts he or she is learning. Consider these STEM tools, which support a students learning while providing unique experiences: 3D printers, which give students the ability to use technology when prototyping projects Virtual reality, which allows students to be immersed in virtual lessons that illustrate STEM concepts Virtual laboratories, which permit students to simulate, practice, and further understand various STEM experiments. [RELATED: STEM Resources for Students] Technology can further a students education by providing a variety of personalized learning experiences. The best part? Advances in technology in the coming years will only provide students with more opportunities to practice their learning in hands-on, individualized ways. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Factoring Trinomials

Factoring Trinomials Factoring trinomials - Factors of trinomial expressions when the coefficient of the highest power is not unity. Example 1.Resolve into factors 7 x2 - 19x 6. First trial, write down (7x 3) (x 2) noticing that 3 and 2 must have opposite signs. These factors give 7 x2, and 6 for the first and third terms but since 7 X 2 3 X 1 = 11, the combination fails to give the correct coefficient of the middle term. Next try, (7x, 2) (x, 3). Since 7 X 3 2 X 1 = 19 these factors will be correct. If we insert the signs so that the negative shall become predominate. Thus 7 x2 - 19x 6 = 7 x2 21x + 2x 6 = 7x (x 3) + 2 (x 3) = (x 3) (7x + 2) Example 2. Resolve into factors x2 3 x - 54. In the given equation the third term is negative. The second terms of the factors must be such that their product us 54 and their algebraic sum - 3. Hence they must have opposite signs, and the greater of them must be negative in order to give its sign to their sum x2 - 3x 54 = x2 - 9x + 6x 54 Or = x (x - 9) + 6 (x - 9) = x2 - 3x 54 = (x - 9) (x + 6) Example 3. Resolve into factors x2 - 10x + 24. The second term of the factors must be such that their product is + 24 and their sum -10, it is clear that they must be - 6 and - 4. x2 - 10x + 24 = x2 - 6 x - 4 x + 24 = x (x - 6) - 4 (x - 6) Or x2 - 10x + 24 = (x - 6) (x - 4)

Inversely Proportional Symbol Online Tutoring

Inversely Proportional Symbol Online Tutoring We use the symbol show inverse proportion. is a Greek alphabet and it is pronounced as alpha. Inverse proportion is represented using the inversely proportional symbol as follows: p (1 / q) This representation shows that the variable p is inversely proportional to q. That means as the value of p increases, the value of q decreases. When the value of p decreases, the value of q increases with it. Example 1: A car starts from a point A and reaches another point B. During its journey from A to B, it covers a distance d. It takes time t to cover the distance d. Express the relation between the variable d and t using the inversely proportional symbol. Solution: For the moving car, as the time of journey increases the distance d decrease. Thus d and t have inverse proportionality relation with respect to each other. We can represent this relation using the inverse proportionality symbol as follows: d (1 / t) Example 2: A contractor takes work of painting a building. He employs n number of men to do the work. He needs to complete the work in time t. He sees that the work is running behind schedule, so he employs more men, thus increasing the number n. Express the relation between the variable n and t using the sign of inverse proportion. Solution: As the number of men (n) increases, the time taken (t) to complete the work decreases. Thus n and t are in inverse proportion. We can express the relation as: n (1 / t)

What Can I Expect From Life Coaching Sessions

What Can I Expect From Life Coaching Sessions Preparing For  Life Coaching Sessions ChaptersWhat is a Life Coach?Think About What You Want From CoachingGo In With An Open MindProcesses and TechniquesOutcome of a Life Coaching SessionWhat Your Relationship with Your Coach is LikeDo Life Coaches Have Qualifications?Once you've decided a career coach is the way to go and you've scheduled your first session you’ll want to make the most of your time and your money!Before you meet with a coach, take some time to prepare. If you don't know where to start, it's perfectly OK to show up empty-handed and let the coach guide you. However, good preparation can make the process easier and get you a closer to reaching your goals, faster.  We’ve compiled some tips to help you prepare.Think About What You Want From CoachingIdentify how you want the coach to help you. Do you need to improve your CV? Do you want to achieve a work goal, a health goal or find love? Whatever it is you need to decide what it is you want from a coach. The clearer you are the easier it will be for a co ach to help you. Do Some Self-AssessmentBefore seeing a coach to clarify your goals, do some initial self-assessment. Ask yourself the following questions and take some notes: What do you enjoy doing? What are you naturally good at? What do other people say are your greatest strengths? What's most important to you in life? What motivates you in life? Share these answers with your coach. They will serve as a good starting point for further assessment. Go In With An Open MindBy choosing to work with a life coach, you're taking a leap into an exciting opportunity that could really make a difference in your life. Remember to keep an open mind and take the guidance of your career coach seriously. Your coach will ask you to do things that are challenging or outside your comfort zone. This won’t be easy but it will be worth it when you can work towards your goals.   The coach won’t force you to decide on anything until you are capable. Sessions are confidential to enable you to investi gate your thoughts, opinions, beliefs and values.At your life coaching session, you should already have the motivation to work with the coach and be truthful concerning your aspirations for your life. Once your life coach understands your current situation, they will guide you through a positive process aimed at making internal and constructive changes. Go into coaching with an open mind (Source: avi_acl)Do Life Coaches Have Qualifications?Currently, in the UK, life coaching is an unregulated profession. This essentially means that anyone can call themselves a life coach. Because of this, it is essential you do your research.Having said that, many coaches are associated with professional affiliations that include published codes of standard set procedures and moral values. Many of the institutions offer certification to guarantee that their associates are prepared enough to be employed as life coaches. To be given their credentials, life coaches must have a mandatory number of train ing and coaching practice hours. For example, to achieve certification as a professional certified coach from the International Coach Federation (ICF), an individual must accumulate a minimum number of coaching and training hours.Make sure you find the right coach for you. Search online directories and organise a meeting before you commit to a coach. You should feel comfortable with your coach.Choosing the right life coach can make a significant difference in your outlook, energy, stability and happiness in life.

6 Bands Wed Like To Eat On Thanksgiving

6 Bands Wed Like To Eat On Thanksgiving Suzy S. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and all around the U.S. people are scrambling to get the last-minute ingredients for the big meal.   Of course, if youve already done your grocery shopping or if youre lucky enough to have someone else doing the cooking this year sit back, relax, turn on the tunes and take a look at this list we found over at Loudwire.   Here are some bands wed love to invite to our Thanksgiving feast this year: 1. Buckcherry You may think of Warrant when you think of cherry pie, but for the ultimate cherry pie we only use the best, Buckcherry. Frontman Josh Todd and his crew are as sweet as can be since not only did they tour nonstop in 2011 but they also held a charity concert earlier this year for a great cause. If Buckcherry isnt your cherry of choice, theres always Black Stone Cherry. 2. Meatloaf Forget the turkey, this Thanksgiving is all about Meat Loaf. The artist known as Meat Loaf, whose birth name is Marvin Lee Aday, is not only a successful musician but a bit of a veteran actor, making appearances in films such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Wayne’s World and Fight Club just to name a few. He even showed off his own cooking skills as a contestant on the most recent season of Celebrity Apprentice. 3. Pearl Jam Most people can’t have their biscuits without some sugary jam. Pearl Jam have been rocking since the early 90s and gave Nirvana a run for its money during the height of the grunge music era. PJ just celebrated their 20th anniversary with a festival in Wisconsin and a documentary film. Our list would be incomplete if we were to leave out Eddie Vedder and the rest of the sweet Jam. 4. Korn Corn is a great side dish for any feast whether it’s frozen, in a can or on a cob. But when corn becomes Korn, it turns into delish dish of nu-metal goodness. The bands upcoming album ‘The Path of Totality’ incorporates dub-step into the mix, adding a new chapter to the storied career of Korn. With a new single called Narcissistic Cannibal, we just hope Korn stick to eating a traditional meal at Thanksgiving this year. 5. Red Hot Chili Peppers For the lovers of spicy food, no meal would be complete with some Red Hot Chili Peppers, which spices up any of the dishes on this list for Thanksgiving. This band remains as flavorful today as they were when they first started out in 1983. Jump ahead to 2011 where they have released their 10th studio album ‘I’m With You.’ Let’s face it, who doesn’t like a little spice in their life â€" whether it’s on their plate or on their iPod! 6. Smashing Pumpkins Pumpkin Pie anyone? What Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a little bit of the seasons favorite dessert. And how do you get the filling for this delicious treat â€" by Smashing Pumpkins, of course. What other bands would you add to the list?   If you can think of any, stop by our Facebook page and leave a quick comment.   Have a safe, happy and filling Thanksgiving! Like these posts?   Sign up to receive daily updates right to your inbox!   Click here to subscribe.

Is there Alien Life in the Universe

Is there Alien Life in the Universe Are Aliens Real? Yes â€" Of course there’s Life on Other Planets. ChaptersHave We Ever Seen Alien Life?What Actual Evidence Do We have for Extraterrestrial Life?Where Might Aliens Be Living?Why Can’t We Find Aliens?The question of life existing somewhere beyond our planet Earth is one that has focused minds for centuries. Whilst the idea gained currency after the so-called Copernican revolution â€" back in the sixteenth century â€" there is evidence that even the ancient Greeks were considering the idea of alien life millennia ago.It’s an idea that has fascinated us â€" we humans who have always lived our lives as the strongest creatures on the block. The notion that there are other forms of life with greater intelligence than ours, living somewhere in the more than a hundred billion light years of the universe, fills us as much with horror as it does with excitement.However, the universe, as you’ve just seen, is pretty damn big. We can’t even imagine the distance of a light year, let alone a hundred billion of them. And this, really, this is the main argument in favour of the hypothesis that humans are not the only intelligent life in the universe.Think about it. The chances of there being only one habitable planet in all of this massive space is teeny-tiny. If there can be life here, why can’t there be life on another planet too?Well, indeed. This is why astrophysicists are so excited about the possibilities for life in another part of outer space. And whilst we might not be talking about little green men and Martian UFOs, something that we can say is living is almost certainly somewhere out there.Here, we’re going to have a look at some of the most fascinating aspects of the discussion around alien life. And if you have any more, just ask.Find out everything about astronomy - and the differences between cosmology, astrophysics, and astronomy! PetarPhysics Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamPhysics Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhPhysi cs Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JidePhysics Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyPhysics Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RahulPhysics Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHave We Ever Seen Alien Life?As a kid, you’d often go around the playground asking each other, ‘do you believe in aliens?’. And certainly, amongst everyone in your school, there’d be one person who would claim to have seen them.Lots and lots of people have made such claims. From those who claim to have been abducted and examined medically by extra-terrestrial life, to those who report seeing ‘flying saucers’ and other types of UFO sightings, there have been thousands of supposed sightings of aliens. However, pretty much all of them remai n unconfirmed â€" or can be explained by other means.This has never stopped anyone believing in these things, however. And there is almost no chance that you will have missed out on the major conspiracy theories relating to aliens. From Area 51, in Nevada, USA, housing the ruins of unidentified flying objects, to governments around the world suppressing information regarding aliens, there are plenty of them.Get a maths physics tutor here. Do aliens live on Mars?Ancient Astronauts.All of this comes from that original fascination with aliens. And modern scientists and writers have sought all over the world for further evidence of human contact with life beyond earth.One of the most enduring controversies around alien life is in the interpretation of ancient texts and artworks. Some people claim that evidence of ancient human contact with aliens is evident from cave paintings in Val Camonica, Italy, from the hieroglyphs on the Egyptian pyramids, and from ancient Japanese figurines.Indeed, some have even suggested that our modern day religions were born through contact with the extraterrestrial â€" with the idea of a god coming from the awesome power of some life beyond our planet.All of this, however, is speculation.Find out about the major milestones in astronomy!What Actual Evidence Do We have for Extraterrestrial Life?The most important question for any astrophysicist interested in the hunt for alien worlds regards th e proof of alien life: what actual scientific evidence do we have that aliens exist?And the answer to it may well be a disappointing one. There isn’t any conclusive evidence that points to the existence of life anywhere in our solar system, the Milky Way, or anywhere else in our universe either.What Maths Suggests about the Chance of Alien Life.The primary evidence for that we are not alone in the universe is a logical one â€" that the chances that there is only life on Earth in the whole of the universe is extremely slim. There are thought to be about forty billion Earth-size planets in the Milky Way galaxy that are in the habitable zone of stars.And whilst this doesn’t mean that any of them have the right conditions for life, there’s quite a high chance that one of them might â€" even if we don’t recognise its life as life (see more on this below). And that forty billion are only those planets that are in our galaxy. There’s a lot of space left beyond the Milky Way.The D rake Equation, proposed by Frank Drake in 1961, comprises the different numbers that are needed to calculate the chance of life in the Milky Way. And whilst these are hugely disputed, it seems more likely than not that there is â€" or there has been â€" life elsewhere.Learn about our solar system! Is this where the government is hiding aliens? - Image from BBC/Getty Images.The Case of Mars.Mars has always been the planet most commonly associated with the search for extraterrestrial life. And that’s simply because it’s the closest to us.Yet, there have been a whole load of recent breakthroughs that suggest that, yes, indeed, Mars may well have had the conditions that make life possible.These include water â€" with the 2013 NASA mission to the Red Planet suggesting that there was once a large freshwater lake there. There is also evidence of river beds, polar ice caps, and minerals that depend on the presence of water.These days, NASA is putting a lot of effort into their missions to Mars, looking for evidence of fossils and organic carbons.Why is Water Important in the Search for Alien Life?The search for water on Mars has taken up a lot of our research into the planet. And you may well wonder why.What we know about life on Earth is that it depends on water. Water makes up w hat we are chemically â€" and the chemical reactions that produce us are heavily dependent upon the relationship between water and solvents.Whilst there is the trouble that life could exist in a gazillion different chemical ways across the stretch of the universe â€" and that the search for water is based only on our experiences of our own life â€" water makes a pretty good starting point for science. Go with what you know, as they say.Where Might Aliens Be Living?Which brings us to our next question. Scientists have to go with what they know when doing their research into the possibility of alien life â€" and into the possible habitability of other planets. This is pretty much the basis of how science has always worked.As such, the search for life has developed from the study of planets that are most like ours. They might be at a similar place as we our to our sun. They might be of a similar size. Earth-like planets might, as we have seen, have water on them.These are the most like ly places that aliens would live in the universe. And this is where scientists look for signs of life. Europa â€" one of the moons of Jupiter â€" is one such place that is thought to be potentially habitable.Find out about the life cycle of a star! Some images of space are just jaw-dropping.Why Can’t We Find Aliens?This is not the fairest of questions, honestly. Because, in the great scheme of things, we haven’t really been looking for aliens for very long at all.A better question might be what might prevent us from finding aliens? Or even, why haven’t we found aliens so far? Both are good questions, but they are the sort of questions that have a million possible answers.The most likely answer is that, given the age of the universe and given its size, there is really very little chance that any aliens we might meet would be on the same historical trajectory as we are.They might still be just little microbes â€" or they may well be hugely technologically developed and are even now flying around the universe in machines we couldn’t possibly understand.Other theories suggest that many potential places for extraterrestrial life are in subterranean lakes, like on Europa. It may well just be pretty hard to physically see thes e things â€" even if they are there.Would We Even Recognise Alien Life if we Saw it?The most important point remains: would we even know an alien if we saw one?As we’ve said above, human science is based upon what we know â€" and a methodology such as this will only produce results that we can recognise.However, the truth is that life may be living all over the place in forms that we just don’t recognise â€" as we believe life to be this thing.In that case, we may never find aliens at all.

Developing a Customized Study Plan

Developing a Customized Study Plan Academic Performance Explained Podcast In the fourth episode of our podcast, MyGuru founderMarkSkoskiewicz interviews Mike Zilis, a political science professor at DePaul University. In this podcast episode, Zilis discusses the importance of creating a customized study planto improve academic performance. Key Insight from Podcast #4 Every customized study plan should include three components: concepts, mindset, andexplicitpreparation for test day. When most people study for a test, they simply focus on learning the concepts that are likely to be tested. However, people often forget that theirgeneralmindsetand confidence level and ability to execute to the best of their ability under pressurecan be just as important in determining their test scores. Successful students tend to berealistic optimists. They recognize their weaknesses, but they are still confident that they can improve their scores as long as they put in the work. It is also important to prepare for test day itself. Taking a standardized test can be a high-pressure situation, and everyone handles this pressure differently.With practice, you become more comfortable performing under pressure. So,it is important to take timed practice tests before test day.This type of practice will help you build confidence. In addition, it will actually make you better atactuallytaking the test, as opposed to just doing individual problems.